Have you ever hired someone to clean your chandelier and all they did was spray it with some "magic" potion and walk away, letting the chemical drip dry, hoping for the best? That won't do! The truth is, there are definitely different cleaning techniques for different types of chandeliers, but they all must be safe, thorough, and damage-free. The floor and room elements around the chandelier must be protected and the chandelier crystals and their clips must be inspected. In addition, a professional company must be able reach any chandelier no matter what obstruction is below it (such as a wide table or a spiral staircase) and fix any hardware issues.
We are regularly asked to clean chandeliers that have already been touched by other cleaning companies, but that were not cleaned properly. This might mean that the fixtures have been left in bad shape by others. We have seen heavy grease, cleaning residue, and even dirt and solution trapped on the inside of hollow glass due to improper cleaning techniques or poor attention to detail. Often, pieces of a chandelier are reinstalled incorrectly by unprofessional cleaners, or pendants are arranged in an unsymmetrical way, leaving the chandelier looking strange. Make sure that the company you hire has experience with your specific lighting fixture type before allowing them to handle your chandelier. We've seen it all and can arrange and fix many issues, such as unbalanced fixtures or rust-ridden crystal and glass.